Cardiac arrest is the leading cause of death in the U.S. Statistically, cardiac arrest is likely to be a medical emergency that many people reading this article will witness or experience themselves at some point. An AED machine can be, and frequently is, the difference between such an incident being an unfortunate day for all involved or a tragedy where someone loses their life.
Why Your Business Needs an AED Machine
The following are some of the reasons a business may need an AED machine:
1. An AED Machine May Be Legally Required
For the practically minded, an AED machine isn’t optional. We’ll highlight some of the reasons these kinds of regulations are put in place in the next few points, but if a business doesn’t want to potentially face a steep fine or open itself to serious liability, installing an AED machine (or multiple, depending on the scale of the business and applicable rules) might be necessary.
While this article should not be considered legal advice, a business should always research the regulations that apply to it, especially those regarding safety and emergency aid. Always pay attention to rules about training and maintenance.
2. Sudden Cardiac Arrest Is a Leading Cause of Death
According to the American Red Cross, over 350,000 people will experience a cardiac arrest this year. It is the leading cause of death in the U.S. While the specific emergencies a business is going to need to prepare for can vary by industry and the hazards present, this means that almost all businesses should be prepared to handle cardiac arrests. They’re common, and they’re deadly.
While medicine continues to advance, the only way to reinstate a standard heart rhythm throughout cardiac arrest is by using an AED. Without an AED on-site, the only option a business has if a person experiences sudden cardiac arrest is to wait for emergency responders.
3. The Delay of Waiting for Emergency Responders Can Be Deadly
If a person experiences a cardiac arrest, call 911 — it’s important that emergency responders are notified immediately. The average response time for first responders once 911 is called is 8 to 12 minutes. This is too long for a person experiencing a cardiac arrest to go untreated.
The American Red Cross says the odds of a person surviving a cardiac arrest are reduced by about 10% for every minute defibrillation is suspended. This means that an AED can easily be the difference between life or death for an individual experiencing such an emergency. It allows people with relatively little medical training to provide life-saving aid and can greatly increase the window emergency responders have to get to the scene so they can provide professional help.
4. AED Machines Are Easy to Use
The instructions are straightforward. A 911 operator can usually walk someone through how to use one, and the machines are designed so that it’s difficult to actively harm someone with it. But it’s still important to train employees to use the device because it’s easy to panic in emergencies. It’s important the device is used correctly and quickly to maximize the chance of saving someone’s life.
5. AED Machines Are Widely Available & Generally Affordable
For all the value they provide as life-saving tools, AED machines aren’t difficult to find and shouldn’t be too expensive. They need to be inspected and maintained (as all medical equipment should be), but they don’t need to be regularly replaced. A machine should likely last multiple years unless damaged.
Remember Training & Maintenance
Equipping a business with an AED machine, whether legally required or not, is usually a great step toward making employees and clients safer and protecting your business from liability. However, it’s only one step. At least a few employees on-site at any one time should be trained in its use. In addition, the device should be regularly inspected and maintained, so you can rely on it to function if needed.
Emergency aid is about preparedness. You may only need an AED machine once in the lifetime of your business, but you can’t predict when it will be needed. The machine needs to work correctly, and the user needs to be focused, calm and trained in how to use the device.
Additionally, an AED only works as part of a robust emergency aid plan. Make sure your business is fully prepared to render aid to its employees and clients. If you’d like help making your workplace safer, we also recommend reading our article about workplace safety tips and best practices.
A business can’t predict when a cardiac arrest might occur at one of its sites. What it can do is make sure it’s ready to rapidly respond to such an incident, so the incident is unlikely to be fatal. An AED machine is an invaluable life-saving tool that can help treat one of the leading causes of death in the U.S. from ending in tragedy.
Alsco Uniforms is ready to equip your business to handle an emergency. Read about our worry-free first aid services, and contact our team about how we might be able to help equip you, whether your operation is big or small.
What is AED? American Red Cross.
The AED in Resuscitation: It’s Not Just About the Shock. (2011) Transactions of the American Clinical and Climatological Association.