Auto shops aren’t typically associated with cleanliness. But a clean, organized facility is more pleasant for workers and could make jobs go quicker too. When workers can find what they need, they don’t waste time looking.
No auto shop checklist would be complete without health and safety tips. These facilities are subject to rules and regulations regarding worker safety, hazardous materials and more.
We’ll outline what auto shop owners should do daily and monthly to run a clean and healthy shop.
Daily Auto Shop Checklist
Shop owners who set aside an hour or so each day to clean the facility will be rewarded with fewer hassles when they head to work the next day. These are a few areas to check:
Shop Floors
An average auto shop floor is filled with slick materials. A puddle could lead to a serious hazard, as one fall in five causes serious injury.
Workers can do the following:
Pick up floor mats.
Sweep up dirt and debris.
Spot clean spills.
Quick mop.
Replace mats.
Working Spaces
Consumers are told to inspect their cars before agreeing to repairs. Expect savvy customers to walk into (and out of) areas once considered private.
Workers can do the following:
Pick up debris.
Put tools away.
Replenish supplies.
Wipe down surfaces.
Staff use both fixed and movable tools throughout the day. A quick, daily check can help to limit catastrophic failures that cost time and reputation.
Workers can do the following:
Wipe down permanent equipment (like tire changers).
Check for loose parts or missing pieces.
Ensure everything is lubricated and running smoothly.
Consumers understand that mechanics get dirty. But they may also expect to shake hands with and otherwise interact with auto professionals. Grime-coated towels and linens make it tough to keep hands clean.
Swapping out soiled linens for fresh sets takes just minutes. And it could make a big difference in how clean and tidy the shop looks the next day.
Waiting Areas & Restrooms
A well-run shop moves customers in and out quickly. But many consumers linger in waiting rooms or visit the restroom before heading home. Staff can track dirt and debris into these spaces, adding to the problem.
Scouring surfaces and mopping floors keep bathrooms and waiting rooms clean and tidy.
Monthly Auto Shop Checklist
Keeping up with daily dirt with regular cleaning is an excellent way to keep a shop running. But once per month, it’s wise to step back and tackle bigger problems.
Deep Floor Cleaning
Antifreeze, lubricants and other liquids aren’t easy to remove and can get missed during daily once-overs. A deep dive can ensure that these hazards are removed safely and effectively. Partnerships with professionals can be helpful here, because they can assist with items like rugs and towels.
Mat Cleaning
Placing a dirty mat on a clean floor means undoing performance benefits. Washing those rugs at least once a month can ensure that the shop looks clean and tidy. Washing can also help remove noxious toxins that contribute to poor air quality in the shop.
Code Requirements
Auto shops are work spaces and they are subject to plenty of rules and regulations regarding worker safety. Every person who works in this environment should know the codes and always keep compliance in mind. But a monthly checkup could help companies prevent egregious issues.
Common code requirements to consider involve the following:
Waste management: Flammable and hazardous materials are stored in approved, labeled containers. Lids are screwed on tight and they’re not leaking. Everything is placed in a clearly marked area not accessible to the public.
Fire safety: Fire extinguishers work and employees are trained. No one is using an illegal furnace or space heater.
Paperwork: Material safety data sheets (MSDS) are available for every toxic chemical in use. The documents are clean, up-to-date and stored in an easy-to-find spot.
Physical health: Eyewashes and showers work and first aid kits are well stocked. Goggles, gloves and other pieces of equipment are available.
Air quality: Working areas are well ventilated and all air handling equipment is working properly.
Earthquake preparedness and safety: Machinery is bolted to the ground as needed.
Floor quality: Drains connect to the sewer or a separator. The floors aren’t cracked and they’re sealed properly. No accidents have damaged the floors since the last inspection.
Storage: Batteries sit on pallets or shelves in one layer. Tires stored outside are covered properly.
Ensure that employees understand the codes regulating your work space. New hires should be trained, of course. But it’s wise also to hold touch-up training sessions. Seeing routine problems month after month means staff aren’t aware of what should and shouldn’t happen while at work.
Tool Storage
Each piece of equipment needs a designated spot to rest while not in use. A monthly check helps staff spot wandering tools that don’t have a reasonable home or don’t seem to stay there. Moving these tools to a more convenient space could mean reducing issues that need to be addressed the following month.
Lost or missing tools mean workers need to search for what they need. This leads to lost time and productivity and it could affect a company’s bottom line.
Alsco Keeps Shops Safe
Slips and muscle strains cause expensive workplace injuries that even routine cleaning can’t prevent. Floor mats and safety mats from Alsco can reduce the risk and keep staff on the job.
Those mats can be customized with logos and branding so they fit in perfectly. Alsco also provides wet and dry mops, industrial towels and cleaning chemicals to keep floors clean and dry.
Facts About Falls. (August 2021). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
If Your Mechanic Tells You Any of These Things, It’s Time to Shop Around for a New Mechanic. (February 2022). North Carolina Consumers Council.
A Checklist for Auto Repair Shops. Northeast Waste Management Officials’ Association.
Your Auto Shop Spring Cleaning Checklist. Eagle Equipment.