Different Types of Mats: Walk-Off, Scraper, Logo & More

There are many types of commercial floor mats, each serving different purposes. Entrance mats can be effective in helping keep debris and dirt out of the facility. In contrast, mats in locations inside can provide comfort and act as safety mechanisms to avoid slipping and help save the legs, feet and lower back in areas where employees spend much of their time standing. The right kind of mat in the right place can meet critical facility needs. 

Walk-Off Floor Mats

The category of walk-off mats is often broad, encompassing several different types of commercial floor mats. This can include any type of entrance mat that is designed to scrape, brush or wipe debris off a person’s feet as they enter the facility. 

These mats can be either indoor or outdoor mats made of a variety of materials, such as these:

  • Rubber.

  • Vinyl.

  • Weatherproof polypropylene.

  • Carpet-topped.

Shoes carry bacteria. Studies have shown that fecal bacteria are present on nearly all shoes (96%), and walk-off mats can help reduce the amount of debris tracked inside.

Scraper & Wiper Floor Mats

Scraper and brush floor mats are types of walk-off, or entrance mats, generally placed outside most businesses’ doors. They are essential for maintaining cleanliness and helping minimize damage to the facility. 

Scraper mats are generally made of an all-weather material and have prongs, bristles, nubs or structures resembling teeth that “scrape” debris off the bottom of shoes like a toothbrush cleans teeth. As people walk on the mat, the special design works to brush, scrape and dislodge debris to keep it from being tracked inside.

Wiper floor mats are similar, but these are generally placed just inside the door of a business and are commonly topped with carpet. The carpet can trap moisture and loose debris. Because of this, wiper mats are commonly used inside a door, whereas a scraper mat is placed outside. 

These two types of mats can work together to keep your facility clean. Any external door can use scraper, brush or wiper mats; doors between the inside and outside; or doors that transition between dirty and clean areas.

Logo Floor Mats

Floor space is an ideal place to advertise your business and promote your brand. Logo mats can be great for this purpose. They can be used at entrances or anywhere you want to reinforce your company’s brand or image. Logo mats are typically custom-designed for your business. 

Anti-Fatigue Floor Mats

Anti-fatigue floor mats are optimal in workspaces where employees or customers spend much of their time standing. These mats are designed to reduce the impact on the legs, feet, lower back, muscles and joints. 

Anti-fatigue mats can help boost employee productivity and overall job satisfaction because they help employees’ legs and feet feel less stressed at the end of the day. These mats come in a variety of sizes, shapes and materials.

Comfort Floor Mats

Comfort mats provide comfort and protection because they are anti-slip, antifungal and often easy to clean. These mats are durable and great for use where extra cushioning and safety are needed. These areas can include food preparation areas and changing rooms. Comfort mats are also manufactured in various sizes, shapes and materials.

Classic Floor Mats

Designed for indoor use, classic floor mats are extremely versatile. They serve a variety of purposes:

  • Keeping dirt, moisture and debris off the floor.

  • Promoting safety with anti-slip properties.

  • Providing ambiance and style.

  • Enhancing comfort for employees and customers.

Classic floor mats are great for use in high-traffic areas, zones at risk for slips and falls or any other indoor business space that could benefit from extra comfort, beauty or safety. Classic floor mats are made in various sizes, colors and shapes and from numerous materials. They can be used virtually anywhere inside a business facility.

Floor-Care Services & Solutions

Alsco can help your business with floor care, providing a variety of floor mats to suit your business needs. We can provide a floor-care solution that enhances and promotes your business while keeping employees and customers safe and comfortable.  Our floor mats have a variety of uses and can protect your floors, customers and employees, all while looking good.

With a variety of floor mats and floor-care services to choose from, Alsco has you and your business covered. We also offer a range of uniform, linen and facilities services, including washroom supplies, floor-care and first-aid supplies. Reach out today to get started, so you can focus on the other aspects of running your business.


Leave Your Shoes at the Door: Science Says They’re Covered in Poop and Could Make You Sick. USA Today. (July 2019).

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