A standard hotel room will generally have a towel bar sized between 18 and 36 inches. A 24-inch bar is a good standard if a room isn’t overly small and you don’t intend to equip it with an especially heavy towel or multiple medium-sized towels. However, there is no correct choice as long as the chosen bar fits the space and can handle the weight of the towels.
Commercial Towel Bar Sizes for Standard Hotel Rooms
While towel bars come in many lengths, a few sizes are more common than others. These are the most common options:
18 Inches
This is often the smallest towel bar typically installed (although smaller options are available). An 18-inch bar can be a bit limiting, but it remains functional without taking up too much room, making it a common choice for small spaces.
24 Inches
Standard hotel rooms commonly use 24-inch towel bars. These are long enough for most bath towels or for several hand towels, depending on the bar’s intended purpose.
Commonly used in medium and large bathrooms, a 24-inch bar offers few disadvantages as long as the space is large enough for it to fit. However, it may not be suitable if a hotel wants to equip a room with multiple towels or especially large towels.
30 Inches
A 30-inch towel bar is considered larger than “standard,” but it is still a common choice when a hotel wants its rooms to have some extra space for towels. This bar size is especially useful for a bathroom or similar space intended for multiple people because it can better handle multiple medium or large towels.
36 Inches
At three feet long, a 36-inch towel bar is fairly large. Many hotel rooms may not have the space to accommodate such a bar, or they might benefit from a smaller bar to use the extra space for something else. However, for areas that have the space, a 36-inch bar is capable of handling multiple towels of significant size.
Important Considerations for Towel Bar Sizes
One of the most obvious considerations for installing a towel bar in a hotel room is the type of towel intended for the bar. While recommendations can vary, experts at Hunker recommend an 18-inch bar for hand towels, a 24-inch bar for bath towels and a 24- to 36-inch bar for bath sheets. Remember that even if a towel might technically fit a bar, putting a towel on too small a bar may cause it to bunch up and increase the risk of wrinkling.
One should also consider the weight of the towel. Smaller towel bars may not always be able to handle the full weight of a large or otherwise dense bath towel. Generally speaking, however, a 22-inch or larger towel bar is able to handle the weight of a bath towel if properly installed. If you’re unsure whether a bar will be large enough, it is often better to opt for a slightly larger towel bar to make sure the weight can be properly supported.
Installation Tips
Experts often recommend placing the bar about 42 to 48 inches from the ground. Obviously, unusually long towels may require a bar to be placed higher, but this isn’t typical.
Ideally, you should consider the location of towel bars and other bathroom installations and set them early because bathrooms are areas where mistakes can often be costly. This is in part because things like tiling and pipes can be difficult or impossible (financially speaking) to reorganize if you suddenly need to move a particular installation.
Note that the tips provided in this article shouldn’t override applicable rules and regulations. Especially important is understanding how the Americans Withwith Disabilities Act might affect the needs of a project. Make sure to consult architects, contractors and designers on best practices.
Let Alsco Uniforms Handle Your Towel Inventory
Towel bars come with advantages and disadvantages, taking up more space as they get bigger but also handling more and heavier towels. The best towel bar for a given space will depend on the type of towel and what the space can support. However, as a general rule, a 24-inch bar will typically be able to handle a room’s needs without causing any major issues.
At Alsco Uniforms, we can quickly equip your business with towels of all kinds through our convenient rental services. This can eliminate much of the hassle of linens, ensuring you always have the towels you need at the level of quality your guests expect and deserve.
What Is the Standard Towel Bar Length? (November 2023). Storable.
What Size Towel Bar Should I Use for My Bathroom? (January 2022). Hunker.
Towel Ring Installation Height and Other Bath Accessories. (February 2023). The Spruce.
Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, As Amended. U.S. Department of Justice.