Cleanliness is important for most businesses. But now, more than ever, cleanliness means staying ahead of the coronavirus and the upcoming flu season. Learning about how viral infections spread has business owners and managers worrying about everything from team-member uniforms to proper hand-care products to regular disinfection to keep things as hygienic as possible.
We are by no means experts in running your particular business. But we do think businesses can benefit from some of the principles that linen- and uniform-rental providers rely on to keep their facilities in tip-top shape. We have put together a list of some of them below.
As you read, keep in mind that we provide hygienically clean linens and uniforms delivered directly to you. We would be happy to set your business up with a comprehensive program covering everything from your uniforms to your cleaning supplies.
1. Have a Plan
Many businesses had a cleaning plan in place long before COVID-19 came on the scene. But now that plan needs to be updated to better respond to the current circumstances. Develop a plan for disinfecting whenever a customer leaves your business. Plan on how tables and chairs will be cleaned, how counters and other frequently touched surfaces will be disinfected, how the restrooms will be refreshed, and so forth.
Additionally, make sure the plan is in writing. Writing things down gives you a reference point should any part of the plan need changing. A written plan is also a valuable training tool for new hires. Not writing down your plan leaves your intentions open to interpretation.
2. Assign Specific Duties
A cleaning plan is easier to execute when it assigns specific duties to particular team members. For example, do not just assume that servers and bussers will decide among themselves who is responsible for table disinfecting. Assign that duty to named employees.
Another role you might want to assign is that of uniform coordinator. This person would be responsible for making sure all dirty uniforms and other used items are safely collected and bagged at the end of every shift. The goal is that no dirty items be left behind when your linen- and uniform-rental service makes its weekly collection.
3. Regularly Change Mops and Towels
Some businesses are happy to rent linen laundry and uniforms but prefer to supply their own mops and towels for cleaning tasks. This is fine under normal circumstances, but the current crisis requires that both mops and towels be changed out regularly. The best way to do that is to rent them from your linen- and uniform-rental provider.
Do not forget hand towels in the washrooms. We recommend paper towels, or, for an environmentally friendly touch, cloth roll towels. We do not recommend hand dryers; they not only spread germs, they can also aid in their propagation.
4. Use the Right Chemicals
Finally, cleaning and disinfecting is all about using the right chemicals. Not every cleaning solution is effective against viruses and bacteria. If you need help figuring out which one is best for your business, we would be happy to ensure you always have the right types of cleaning chemicals on hand.
Let’s face it, no one knows how long we’ll be dealing with the coronavirus threat. But no matter how long the battle, Alsco stands with you in your fight to keep your business clean. If you are not yet an Alsco customer, please reach out to us. We’d be happy to get to know you and devise a plan to help. Let us work together to stay on top of fighting germs!