Alsco Supports Big Table in Providing Help to Restaurant and Hospitality Workers
Spokane, Wash. – September 2, 2020 – Alsco Inc., a linen and uniform rental services company, has donated $3,000 to Big Table. Like its name suggests, Big Table is a non-profit focused on helping workers in the restaurant and hospitality industry. These individuals also often society's most vulnerable members. As many as one in six working in the restaurant industry live below the poverty line, and 43 percent are just above it – double any other segment of the population, according to Big Table.
To help these industry workers, the organization provides a referral-based program, where a manager or colleague who recognizes an individual is in crisis can ask for help on their behalf. This allows Big Table to target the most critical needs quickly throughout the community. The type of support Big Table offers is personalized for the recipient’s needs, but can include mental and emotional health and life coaching, housing stability, medical and dental care, job readiness, and addiction recovery.
Given the extremely challenging circumstances that restaurant and hospitality workers are facing during the pandemic, Alsco's Spokane Branch wanted to help support Big Table’s efforts.
"All of our employees here at Alsco work and live in our local community. Alsco has serviced our restaurant customers for over 40 years in Eastern Washington. Supporting the folks who work in our local restaurants during these challenging times is an honor. Our hearts go out to the restaurant community and hope for a speedy recovery. Alsco is here to help," said Joey Kink, General Manager of the Alsco Spokane Branch.
About Big Table A growing organization with locations in Spokane, Seattle, and San Diego, Big Table's mission is to help vulnerable restaurant and hospitality industry workers who are struggling, whether financially or personally, or both. Big Table offers timely interventions to help workers deal with an immediate crisis while also providing relational coaching and mentoring that builds on the initial crisis to support long-term hope and resilience.
About Alsco Alsco is a fourth-generation family owned and operated business, founded in 1889, that was recognized by the prestigious Hohenstein Institute for having invented the linen and uniform rental industry. Celebrating 130 years of business, Alsco provides linen and workwear rental services to customers that include restaurants, healthcare, automotive industry and industrial facilities. With over 180 locations and more than 20,000 employees, Alsco provides world-class service to over 355,000 customers in 14 countries. Learn more at https://alsco.com.
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Contact: Joey Kink General Manager, Alsco Spokane jkink@alsco.com (509) 534-2693
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