Alsco Public Statement Regarding Bubba Wallace and NASCAR

Alsco is deeply saddened and outraged by the hateful act recently propagated against Bubba Wallace and his team. That a noose, a historic tool of violence, was placed inside Bubba's NASCAR garage reifies the importance both of Bubba's brave activism and of NASCAR's commitment to fighting racism in the sport, especially in regards to the recent ban of the Confederate flag. The nature of this threat disproves with finality any rationalization that the Confederate flag reminisces only of an innocent heritage. Clearly, any display of the Confederate flag is an act of hate. Such hate has no place in our communities. Alsco is more than ever committed to Bubba Wallace and NASCAR. We trust that NASCAR and law enforcement authorities will thoroughly investigate this horrifying incident, and act swiftly against whoever is responsible.

Read our follow-up public statement here.

Bob and Kevin Steiner Co-CEOs, Alsco

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